Bajau Bukit, Papar in Malaysia

Bajau Bukit, Papar
Photo Source:  Copyrighted © 2024
International Mission Board-SBC  All rights reserved.  Used with permission
Map Source:  Southeast Asia Link - SEALINK Copyrighted © 2024 Used with permission
People Name: Bajau Bukit, Papar
Country: Malaysia
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 2,100
World Population: 2,100
Primary Language: Malay
Primary Religion: Islam
Christian Adherents: 4.00 %
Evangelicals: 2.00 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Tukangbesi of Sulawesi
Affinity Bloc: Malay Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The origin of the Bajau peoples is not certain, however, there is a documented report of their presence in the Kota Belud district in the 1850s and 1860s. Today their settlements spread along Sabah's coastal regions from Kuala Penyu of the Kuala Penyu district in the southwest to Terusan of the Beluran district in the northeast. The Tempasuk plain in Kota Belud, where the largest group of Bajau lives, is their cultural heartland.
The language of the Bajau comprises a chain of mutually intelligible dialects which has been influenced by the Malay language. It is sometimes referred to as Borneo Coast Bajau. This language is mutually unintelligible with the Sama (East Coast Bajau) languages spoken on Sabah's east coast and in the region of the Sulu Sea.
The Bajau peoples are classified by the government as Bajau, which is a group of predominantly Muslim people living along the west coast of Sabah. The Bajau subgroup includes the West Coast Bajau, and the Bajau Bukit.

What Are Their Lives Like?

The Bajau Bukit were once sea-nomads dwelling in boats, harvesting fish and other marine resources. These days, they have increasingly become land-dwellers and have become proficient in wet rice cultivation and livestock rearing. Some have developed into excellent horsemen. They grow small crops for personal consumption or for supplemental income as well as for engaging in trade. Businesses are growing in number but tend to be small and mostly related to food selling.
Increased opportunity for and appreciation of education has helped some Bajau Bukit to secure positions in a variety of wage-earning jobs. Improved transportation has enabled many of them to work in other parts of Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia. Work opportunities are scarce for those remaining in the villages.

What Are Their Beliefs?

The Bajau Bukit practice Islam and their religious holidays are directly tied to the Islamic calendar. For instance, they observe the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, during which time Muslims fast from dawn until dusk. Many Bajau have merged Islamic practices with their own local traditions, such as the reading of Arabic prayers at the beginning of a traditional celebration.
One such celebration is called the kenduri arwah, which is a feast practiced in honor of deceased family members. At such feasts, sedekah 'alms' are given to the pakir (the prayer leader); those who are remembered during the prayers accrue merit for the afterlife. They also observe celebrations that are not related to the Islamic calendar. For instance, feasts may be given at a baby's hair-cutting ceremony, and to celebrate a boy's circumcision. Smaller feasts are held to honor the fulfillment of a vow, or to request divine protection in the warding off sickness or other danger.

What Are Their Needs?

The Bajau communities need infrastructure development in the areas of health and education. They need more medical workers, facilities and services. Many of their youth do not complete their schooling.

Prayer Points

Pray that God would send people to help them with these health and education needs. Pray, too, that their spiritual needs would not be neglected.
Pray for many from the Bajau Bukit community to have the spiritual hunger it takes to embrace Christ no matter what the cost.
Pray for Bajau Bukit disciples who will disciple others.
Pray for the Lord to thrust out loving workers to the Bajau peoples.

Text Source:   Joshua Project