Bambara in United States

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People Name: Bambara
Country: United States
10/40 Window: No
Population: 15,000
World Population: 7,427,700
Primary Language: Bamanankan
Primary Religion: Islam
Christian Adherents: 7.00 %
Evangelicals: 1.50 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Manding
Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Bambara are among the most powerful, influential, and populous people groups in Mali. They speak Bamana, which is one of the Manding languages. Bamana is widely spoken in Mali, especially in the realm of business and commerce. It is related to the Bantu language, which includes Swahili and Zulu. They often speak French as well.

During the 1700s, there were two Bambara kingdoms: Segu and Karta. In the 1800s, militant Muslim groups overthrew these kingdoms, leaving only a few anti-Muslim Bambara warlords to resist their occupation. This lasted 40 years, until the arrival of the French colonialists. A very small number of the Bambara had converted to Islam by 1912. After World War II, the number of Muslim converts grew due to their resistance to the French and their exposure to Muslim merchants. Today, the Bambara are mostly Muslim, and those who have migrated to North America are no exception.

Though the majority of the Bambaras live in West Africa, those with advanced education and needed skills are able to migrate to Canada and the United States.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Those who come to the United States use part of their earnings to build up their villages in West Africa.

On a social level, all African Muslim peoples tend to come together for social and religious events. They worship at the same mosques and often attend the same festivals.

What Are Their Beliefs?

The Bambara people are Sunni Muslim, but they mix a liberal amount of pre-Islamic beliefs with Islam. There is also the pressure to become more secularized in the United States, especially for the younger generation.

What Are Their Needs?

Several mission agencies are currently focusing on the Bambara in Africa, and some progress has been made. Bambara people in the US are living among other Africans. They need more workers to be thrust out to reach them for Christ in this secularized environment. Prayer is the key to tearing down the remaining strongholds that are keeping them from knowing the Savior.

Prayer Points

Pray that God will raise prayer teams who will begin breaking up the spiritual soil intercession.

Pray for the effectiveness of the JESUS Film among the Bambara people both in Africa and North America.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will complete the work begun in the hearts of the Bambara believers through adequate discipleship.

Pray that God will give the Bambara believers boldness to share the love of Jesus with their own people.

Ask the Lord to raise up strong local churches among the West African Muslims in the United States.

Text Source:   Joshua Project