Guarani, Mbya in Paraguay

Guarani, Mbya
Photo Source:  Richard Perik 
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People Name: Guarani, Mbya
Country: Paraguay
10/40 Window: No
Population: 22,000
World Population: 38,600
Primary Language: Guarani, Mbya
Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions
Christian Adherents: 15.00 %
Evangelicals: 2.00 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Guarani
Affinity Bloc: Latin-Caribbean Americans
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Mbya are a subgroup of the greater Guarani groups. They live in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. Mbya means "us" or "our people." Not surprisingly, other Guarani subgroup names have similar meaning. Their subgroup is also defined by their Mbya dialect.

What Are Their Lives Like?

They are currently sedentary, and used to feed by hunting, fishing and gathering. Because their habitat is the jungle, intensive deforestation is leading to their disappearance.

The reduction, disappearance and contamination of their living spaces suitable for sustaining their traditional ways of feeding have forced them to adopt those of the yuruá (white) with serious and progressive deterioration of their health.

Recently, there has been a growing presence of prostitution and addictions: alcoholism, drug addiction, inhalants in Asunción, Central, Alto Paraná. Most are illiterate and do not receive medical attention.

What Are Their Beliefs?

The payés (opy'guá or lord of the op'y) -traditional doctors- are in charge of healing with medicinal plants, of attracting the rains, of divining the future, of propitiating good hunts and harvests, of directing the ritual songs and dances and of giving a Guaraní name to the newborns. Their most important function would be the narration of creation myths that also have healing power. There are different hierarchies among them according to their age, experience and power.

What Are Their Needs?

The Mbya Guarani people don’t have the Scriptures in their language. They need an accurate translation and oral gospel materials.

Prayer Points

Pray for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully among all evangelical churches, pastors, leaders and mission agencies that support the ministry among the Mbya.
Pray for the communities that still do not know Christ.
May they be free from all manipulation, abuse, spiritual bondage and deception.

Text Source:   Joshua Project