Mamuju in Indonesia

Photo Source:  Copyrighted © 2024
Anonymous  All rights reserved.  Used with permission
Map Source:  People Group location: IMB. Map geography: ESRI / GMI. Map design: Joshua Project.
People Name: Mamuju
Country: Indonesia
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 64,000
World Population: 64,000
Primary Language: Mamuju
Primary Religion: Islam
Christian Adherents: 0.01 %
Evangelicals: 0.01 %
Scripture: Portions
Ministry Resources: No
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Bugi-Makassar of Sulawesi
Affinity Bloc: Malay Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Mamuju live in West Sulawesi, on the coast and on the mountain slopes of the Mamuju regency. The Mamuju people are spread from the regency border in the south to the mouth of the Budong-Budong River in the north. They speak the language of Mamuju, which includes the four dialects of Mamuju, Sumare-Rangas, Padang and Sinyonyoi. The capital of the West Sulawesi regency is the city of Mamuju, a quickly developing area that was previously isolated and somewhat politically and religiously sensitive.

What Are Their Lives Like?

The livelihoods of the Mamuju come primarily from farming and fishing. They plant and harvest copra (dried coconut meat) and chocolate and along the coastal areas they grow tobacco, corn and cassava on a smaller scale. Mamuju farmers raise cattle and their primary forest product is ebony wood. Other Mamuju work as tradesman, teachers and nurses. The Mamuju home is simple, consisting of woven bamboo walls and a coconut leaf roof and typically standing on a raised platform two meters off the ground. The Mamuju live in peace with their neighbors with mutual respect, similar to what they demonstrate in their own families. Mamuju young people make their own choices as to whom they will marry. Women usually marry around 16-17 years old, while men usually marry around 18-20 years old. They like to have big families, typically having 5-6 children. They work together to help build each other's houses, to prepare for community celebrations and to dry coconut meat (copra). They treat visitors as honored guests, though serious conflict will arise if they feel dishonored or shamed. Many women and girls will wear gold earrings in order to show that they are not poor. Men and women do not gather together in groups, but remain separate. Even when fishing, the men will sail out to fish while the women stay on the shore. All Mamuju leaders are men. They look to the local shaman to tell them the best time to do certain activities, such as when to harvest rice or when to get married. The Mamuju have religious leaders as well as government officials who are appointed by the regency government. The religious leaders hold great sway with the people, while the government officials are effective only as far as the people believe them to be good leaders. Important meetings are typically held in the local mosque. The Mamuju have many distinctive rules and regulations. For serious offenses, a person often has to give a cow to the offended party.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Almost all the Mamuju are Muslim. As such, there is a mosque in every village. However, the influence of animism is still evident in their lives, leading them to be afraid of the forest and believe that a particular bird sound is the sound of a ghost or evil spirit.

What Are Their Needs?

The Mamuju need information about health and nutrition. Many Mamuju children are malnourished and child mortality is high. Malaria is quite widespread in this area. The Mamuju have a positive attitude about education, but they lack the resources for continued schooling. More effort is needed to increase production of their plantation products and to market them more effectively. These products have a relatively high market value - a source of revenue that is currently underdeveloped.

Text Source:   IPN, 2011  Copyrighted © 2024  Used with permission