Arab, Moroccan in United Kingdom

Arab, Moroccan
Photo Source:  Monica Volpin - Pixabay 
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People Name: Arab, Moroccan
Country: United Kingdom
10/40 Window: No
Population: 34,000
World Population: 30,793,800
Primary Language: Arabic, Moroccan
Primary Religion: Islam
Christian Adherents: 0.10 %
Evangelicals: 0.00 %
Scripture: New Testament
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Arab, Maghreb
Affinity Bloc: Arab World
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

Arabs represent the largest, most diverse, and most politically influential Muslim ethnic grouping in the world. While there are several characteristics that determine if a person is a true Arab, one trait is always evident: a proud sense of being an Arab. The early Islamic period was a time when "Arab identity" meant that all Arabs had descended from a common male ancestor. Thus, being an Arab brought recognition, honor and certain privileges. Their physical, geographical and religious aspects all vary greatly. However, the ability to speak Arabic (or an Arabic dialect) and identification with the Arabian cultural heritage are, perhaps, the two most essential elements.

Arabs are the majority people in many countries in the Arabian Peninsula, the Maghreb, and all of North Africa. From there, Arab and Berber armies turned northward, and conquered the Iberian Peninsula (i.e., Spain and Portugal), and held all or part of it till 1492. Arabs were not as much of a threat to northern European countries like Belgium, the Netherland, Norway and Germany.

Morocco was the westernmost edge of Arab expansion. They conquered North Africa, including what is now Morocco. In Morocco, they dealt with indigenous peoples that the Romans called Berbers, and the people themselves called Amazigh. There was a blending of Arab and Amazigh cultures, so that today, there are cultural and linguistic differences between Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula and those who live in North Africa.

Moroccan Arabs have come to Europe seeking job opportunities and a better life than they had in Morocco. Economic relations between England and Morocco go back 800 years, and a small number of Moroccans settled in the UK in the 19th century. Mass migration from Morocco to the United Kingdom began in the 1960s, primarily consisting of migrant workers recruited for the hotel and catering industries. They were unskilled workers. In the 1970s, Moroccan women joined them, either as wives or as potential employees. The 1980s saw young-semi-skilled entrepreneurs and professionals arriving from the Moroccan city of Casablanca. By the early 1990s, skilled Moroccan professionals arrived in England from both Morocco and France.

What Are Their Lives Like?

The Moroccan community in the UK has grown significantly due to high birth rates and sponsored migration of dependents. There is now a significant Moroccan community in Manchester. These British Moroccan Arabs are citizens of the United Kingdom whose ethnic origin lies in North Africa.

Maintaining their identity while being surrounded by European culture is very important to many Moroccan Arabs.

What Are Their Beliefs?

It is difficult for Moroccan Arabs in secularized England to maintain their Islamic identity. To do this, they sometimes get more immersed in Muslim activities, and stay clear of the European culture around them. Secular humanism isn't a formal religious system, and it has very little appeal to Moroccan Arabs. Still, those who want to fit in with European culture probably become more secularized. It is hard to imagine where the Moroccan Arabs will be spiritually in a generation or two. Most likely, they will maintain their identity with Islam, but it will not affect their lives like it did in Morocco.

What Are Their Needs?

People who genuinely follow Christ will need to patiently and lovingly take the opportunity to take Christ to the Moroccan Arabs in the United Kingdom. They can do this in part by helping to teach language and work skills.

Prayer Points

Pray that God will raise up faithful intercessors who will stand in the gap for Moroccan Arabs in England.
Pray that the softening of their traditional culture will soften their hearts so they will hunger for the truth and eagerly accept it when they hear it.
Pray for a church planting movement among Moroccan Arabic speaking people in England that will show others the transforming power of the gospel in their lives.
Ask the Lord to raise up strong local churches and discipleship movements among Diaspora Arabs in the United Kingdom.

Text Source:   Joshua Project