Slovene in Argentina

Photo Source:  Miran Lesnik - Pixabay 
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People Name: Slovene
Country: Argentina
10/40 Window: No
Population: 12,000
World Population: 1,969,500
Primary Language: Slovene
Primary Religion: Christianity
Christian Adherents: 95.00 %
Evangelicals: 0.30 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Slav, Southern
Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The country we now call Slovenia is located in Central Europe. It is about the physical size of the US state of New Jersey. The large majority of the people who live in Slovenia called themselves Slovenes or Slovenians. Slovenian is a South Slavic language. While Slovene is the national language of Slovenia, that country also recognizes Italian and Hungarian as regional languages.
What we now call Slovenia has been dominated by various empires throughout its history. At one time the Roman, Byzantine, Holy Roman, Venetian, Hungarian, and Austrian Empires ruled this mountainous land on the Adriatic Sea. After WWII, Slovenia became one of the six republics of Yugoslavia. Slovenia became a separate nation in 1991. Slovenia has a highly developed economy. Slovenia has the highest Human Development Index of the six former Yugoslav republics.
The Slovene language has many Christian resources including a complete Bible and radio programs. At the turn of the 20th century, hundreds of thousands of Slovenes left their land looking for better economic opportunities. Slovenians live in many nations besides Slovenia. These include Germany, Austria, Canada, Argentina, the USA, and Croatia.
Those who migrated to Argentina arrived in the 20th century. There were three waves of Slovene migrants. The first was looking for economic opportunities at a time when their nation was doing poorly economically. The second group was escaping the Italian fascists in WWII. The second group left when communists took over after the war ended.
The Slovenes in Argentina mainly live in Greater Buenos Aires, San Carlos de Bariloche, and Mendoza.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Though small in number, Slovenes in Argentina have their own cultural, sports and social clubs. There is a school for teenagers to master the Slovene language and culture. They eventually go to Slovenia for a short time to use the language. Their youth are used to speaking Spanish with the Argentine majority. They also participate in sports; many of Argentina's best athletes are Slovene. Slovenes have their own Slovene language publication which covers many parts of their lives, especially religious issues.

What Are Their Beliefs?

The majority of Slovens claim to be Christians. Of those, Roman Catholics are by far the major group. For most Slovenians, their Catholic faith is more a tradition than a living relationship with God. Slovenes are married and buried in the church. They children are baptized into the church by Roman Catholic priests.
Most Slovenes are more concerned with their family's economic and social well-being rather than the teachings of the Roman Catholic church.
Evangelical Christians believe the Bible is the only source of authority for Christ's church. Roman Catholics see tradition and the official teachings of the popes and bishops as equal to or superior to the Bible. Catholics pray to God, Mary and the saints while evangelicals pray only to God. Evangelicals believe one is saved by God's grace alone through faith while Roman Catholics believe in salvation by faith in Christ and one's works. Still evangelicals and Catholics have many beliefs in common such as the beliefs in the Trinity and the virgin birth, the deity, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What Are Their Needs?

Roman Catholic Slovenes need to hear and understand the biblical gospel. Through Jesus Christ one can gain a personal, love relationship with God. Christianity is more than one's tradition or a system of morality. A Slovene's economic success will not satisfy the deep spirituals needs of his or her heart.

Prayer Points

Pray for the Holy Spirit to revive the Roman Catholic Church so that it focuses on Jesus Christ.
Pray for small number of Slovenian Protestant churches to be Christ centered rather than tradition centered.
Pray that the Lord sends disciple-makers to the Slovenian people in Slovenian and Argentina.
Pray for spiritual hunger and a discernment that will keep the Slovenian people in Argentina away from spiritual counterfeits.
Pray for the Lord to raise up pastors and Bible teachers for the believers in Slovenia.

Text Source:   Joshua Project