Bozo, Tiemacewe in Mali

Bozo, Tiemacewe
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People Name: Bozo, Tiemacewe
Country: Mali
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 8,500
World Population: 8,500
Primary Language: Bozo, Tiemacewe
Primary Religion: Islam
Christian Adherents: 0.00 %
Evangelicals: 0.00 %
Scripture: Translation Needed
Ministry Resources: No
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Soninke
Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

Bozo comes from the Bambara term for straw house; it's a reference to dwellings in temporary fishing camps. People use this term for an entire ethnic group. "Bozo" is really three distinct people groups speaking four varieties of the so called Bozo language. One of these is Tiemacewe, the language of the Tiemacewe Bozo people.

The Bozo live mostly in the Mopti region in the interior delta but also live in other parts of Mali and other West-African countries where there are rivers and dams. These people are migrating to Bamako in significant numbers.

What Are Their Lives Like?

The Bozo people highly value community. This is true whether they are village elders or women at a communal water well. Many of them are fishermen, and there are fishing camps made up of straw huts on the Niger River islands. The Bozo also work in rice fields. They usually live in sun-dried, mud-brick houses in small, compact villages or straw huts in camps along the riverside.

The women are often maintaining their fires, pounding millet for porridge, scrubbing blackened pots and re-muddling the outsides for cooking again. They also spin cotton and do other various chores. Women prepare fish for selling and sell it in the market.

Things are changing for the Tiemacewe Bozo as their lives are becoming more modernized. Some have cell phones, videos, CD players, televisions, and satellite TV. These are making an enormous impact on the society. Money and goods are becoming an important commodity. Travel is becoming easier because they now have access to better boats and roads. The Tiemacewe Bozo people are becoming more aware of the world around them.

There is an increase in knowledge and education as some are going to school in other villages. Getting education is difficult for rural people like the Bozos because they seldom understand French, Mali's language of education. Missionaries are promoting Bozo literacy in government schools.

Bozo society is patriarchal (male dominated). Unmarried men live in special bachelor huts in the villages, and married couples live with the husband's family. Extended family arranges bozo marriages heads through male intermediaries. The prospective groom gives gifts to the bride's parents and performs a bride-service. He must also pay a bride-price, but sometimes, instead of a bride-price, the two families exchange women. Some families practice polygyny (having over one wife), but as Muslims, a man has a limit of four wives.

The Bozo live in small, compact villages on the banks of streams. They have several types of dwellings. Straw huts make up their temporary fishing camps. In the floodplains, they live in dwellings built on artificial mounds. The most common type of village, however, are rectangular houses with sun-dried brick walls. The roofs of these houses are flat and made of beaten dirt that is supported on logs. Bozo land is owned by the community and is administered by the community's headman, who lives in an interior court in the center of the village. The headman handles the affairs of the village community. He is the clan chief.

What Are Their Beliefs?

The Tiemacewe Bozo people have been Muslims for about two to three generations and have no Christian history. They are a smaller people group with neighboring groups that have Christian churches, thus giving the impression that Christianity is okay for the Dogon or Bobo people groups who were not highly Muslim. France colonialists left a terrible impression on the Bozo peoples of how Christians behave.

Beneath the Muslim surface there is a strong animistic undercurrent. They already have their own distinctive religious systems and worldviews. It will be important to enter Bozo society and gradually become accepted. This people group will probably not respond to being directly evangelized.

What Are Their Needs?

There are various factors to consider when determining how to reach out to them initially. Tribes are vanishing faster than mission organizations are translating Scripture into their languages. In general, tribal groups are refugees, living in perpetual fear of aggression from other tribes or powerful civilizations. Often, they can survive by finding out how to live where no one else would want the land. This is important to realize that the Bozos are a nomadic people and are thus on the move. It is important to travel along with them. Also, beneath the Muslim surface, there is a strong animistic undercurrent. They already have their own distinctive religious systems and worldviews. It will be thus important to enter the society slowly and gradually become accepted. This people group will probably not respond to being directly evangelized.

Prayer Points

Pray that mission organizations and churches will accept the challenge of adopting and discipling the Tiemacewe Bozo of Mali.
Ask the Lord to send loving followers of Christ to make Tiemacewe Bozo disciples who will make more disciples.
Pray that God will grant wisdom and favor to mission agencies that want to see them reached for Christ.
Ask the Lord to save key leaders among the Tiemacewe Bozo who will boldly declare the gospel.
Scripture Prayers for the Bozo, Tiemacewe in Mali.

Text Source:   Joshua Project