Imragen in Western Sahara

Photo Source:  Saharawi Network 
People Name: Imragen
Country: Western Sahara
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 24,000
World Population: 24,000
Primary Language: Hassaniyya
Primary Religion: Islam
Christian Adherents: 0.00 %
Evangelicals: 0.00 %
Scripture: New Testament
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Arab, Hassaniya
Affinity Bloc: Arab World
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Imragen form a Moorish fishing and pastoral culture along the Atlantic shores, made up of three nomadic Bedouin tribes. They live in Western Sahara and Mauritania, mostly in the Banc d'Arguin National Park.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Unlike most tribes in this part of the world, the Imragen fish rather than herd livestock. They have strong cultural traditions. Their peculiar method of catching mullet with the help of dolphins is well known. Their fishing techniques are environmentally sound, so they are given greater fishing rights than other tribes in this region. The oil industry in Northwestern Africa is probably driving the fish away, causing the Imragen people to suffer economic loss. They have little political power to protect their own interests.

What Are Their Beliefs?

The Imragen people are Sunni Muslims who believe that the One, Supreme God, Allah, spoke through his prophet, Mohammed, and taught mankind how to live a righteous life through the Koran and the Hadith. To live a righteous life, you must utter the Shahada (a statement of faith), pray five times a day facing Mecca, fast from sunup to sundown during the month of Ramadan, give alms to the poor, and make a pilgrimage to Mecca if you have the means. Muslims are prohibited from drinking alcohol, eating pork, gambling, stealing, slandering, and making idols. They gather for corporate prayer on Friday afternoons at a mosque, their place of worship. The two main holidays for Sunni Muslims are Eid al Fitr, the breaking of the monthly fast and Eid al Adha, the celebration of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son to Allah. Sunni religious practices are staid and simple. They believe that Allah has pre-determined our fates; they minimize free will. In most of the Muslim world, people depend on the spirit world for their daily needs since they regard Allah as too distant. Allah may determine their eternal salvation, but the spirits determine how well we live in our daily lives. For that reason, they must appease the spirits. They often use charms and amulets to help them with spiritual forces.

What Are Their Needs?

The Imragen people need to look to the Lord for protection rather than charms and amulets. Only he can be their fortress and deliverer!

Prayer Points

Pray for safety for those who fish, and for good schools for the children.
Fishing is difficult in their region. Pray for the Lord to show them the way to a better way to earn a living.
Pray for the Christian believers in Western Sahara to be taught properly in the faith and become spiritually mature, leading holy and productive lives.
Pray this will be the decade when the Lord brings about a movement to Christ among the Imragen people.

Text Source:   Joshua Project