South Asian, general in United Arab Emirates

South Asian, general
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People Name: South Asian, general
Country: United Arab Emirates
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 3,849,000
World Population: 12,178,700
Primary Language: Hindi
Primary Religion: Hinduism
Christian Adherents: 4.00 %
Evangelicals: 0.70 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: South Asia - other
Affinity Bloc: South Asian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

There has been a South Asian diaspora in various parts of the world including the United Arab Emirate, or UAE for short. Most of these are Punjabi speaking Sikhs, or Hindus who speak a variety of languages: Tamil, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, etc. Muslims usually speak either Urdu or Bengali. There are some segments of the South Asian diaspora that don't fit into any neat language category. Those we simply call, "South Asians" or "Indo-Pakistanis" since we are referring to people from either India or Pakistan. Sometimes Bangladeshis and Nepalis are lumped in as well since those countries are also in South Asia.

What Are Their Lives Like?

South Asians in the UAE have been there for centuries because of trade between India and the Middle East. Today Indians make up over 1/3 of the UAE's population. There was a huge influx of Indian laborers who went to the UAE to work in the petroleum industry starting in the 1960s and continuing through the 1980s. Today they have branched out into construction, financial services, manufacturing, retail, and transportation. South Asians play a key role in offering professional services and starting new businesses. For decades India has produced highly trained techies for jobs that often don't exist in their country. South Asians with these skills take jobs in other parts of the world such as the UAE. Today about 40 percent of South Asians in the UAE hold white collar jobs, though there is a sizable number who hold blue collar ones. Though there are special events for South Asians based on their language, they commonly come together as a group, even those who are "generic" South Asians. These gatherings might be cultural or religious. Their religious affiliation is an important part of their culture, and it gives South Asians an identity in this Arab land. There are South Asians in the UAE who are culturally blended with the local Arab population. South Asians in diaspora often accept one another regardless of religious affiliation. They are not likely, however, to marry across religious or caste lines.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Hindus are polytheistic, which means that they worship many gods and goddesses. The most important gods worshipped are Brahman, the creator of the universe; Vishnu, its preserver; and Shiva, its destroyer. Another important Hindu deity is Shiva's wife, who has several names. She is best known as Durga, Kali, Parvati, or Uma. As Parvati or Uma, she is the beloved goddess of motherhood. As Durga or Kali, she is the feared goddess of destruction. Hindus in business are fond of Ganesh, the god whom they believe helps them overcome obstacles. According to Hindu doctrine, animals as well as humans have souls. Hindus believe that souls live innumerable lives in different bodies, being born again, or reincarnated, after death as animals or humans. They believe that if a person lives a good life, his soul will be born into a higher state. Whereas, if he leads an evil life, his soul will be born into a lower state. The cycle supposedly continues until the soul achieves spiritual perfection and enters a higher state of existence. Most Hindus in diaspora use their religion as a way to preserve their culture in a foreign environment. They also look to their gods to help them with their needs in the same way they would in South Asia. There are also many Muslims and Christians among the South Asian diaspora in the UAE. The Muslims mix with the local population in the mosques to worship Allah. Like their Hindu counterparts, the Muslim South Asians use religion as part of their identity. This makes it harder for people to take Christ to them without them believing they have lost their place in society.

What Are Their Needs?

South Asians, be they Hindu, Muslim, or Sikh, need to hear that Jesus Christ came to save sinful mankind. The message that we have offended the one true and living God is not a popular message. If Christ followers were willing to befriend South Asians, they could earn a hearing. It would take time and much prayer. Unfortunately, very few believers are willing to do this to reach these unreached people who are often living in a place where there is freedom of religion.

Prayer Points

Pray for workers, filled with the fruit of the Holy Spirit, to go to the South Asians in the UAE. Pray for South Asians in the UAE to have the spiritual hunger to seek and find Jesus Christ. Pray for South Asians in the UAE to begin a family-based movement to Christ that will bless them abundantly. Pray for the Lord's blessing of the South Asian diaspora and the work of their hands as a testimony of his goodness and power.

Text Source:   Joshua Project