Zhuang, Nong in China

Zhuang, Nong
Photo Source:  Anonymous 
Map Source:  People Group location: IMB. Map geography: ESRI / GMI. Map design: Joshua Project.
People Name: Zhuang, Nong
Country: China
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 546,000
World Population: 546,000
Primary Language: Zhuang, Nong
Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions
Christian Adherents: 0.20 %
Evangelicals: 0.14 %
Scripture: New Testament
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Zhuang
Affinity Bloc: Southeast Asian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Nong Zhuang, who call themselves Pu Nong or Pu Day ("Pu" meaning "people" or "tribe"), were classified into the official Zhuang nationality in 1958. Unlike other Zhuang groups that are most likely to be found in Guangxi Province, the Nong Zhuang live in southeastern Yunnan Province. A smaller population lives in the Vietnamese provinces of Lao Cai and Ha Giang.
Most members of this ethnic group continue to speak a unique Central Taic language, though some young people who group up in or near cities only speak Mandarin Chinese. Many Nong Zhuang people also have a functional ability in standard Mandarin or the local dialect of Chinese, though older people and those who have not left the villages often have more limited Chinese comprehension and some Nong are completely monolingual.

What Are Their Lives Like?

There are several different costumes among the Nong Zhuang, according to region, and there are multiple dialects of the Nong Zhuang language. Though all Nong Zhuang can communicate with each other using their language, comprehension can be difficult when speakers have not been exposed to each other’s dialects.
The Nong Zhuang have been sedentary rice-paddy farmers for millennia. Their villages are usually located in river valleys along water sources. In addition to agriculture, the Nong Zhuang work in government, local commerce and as wage laborers. Relative to other rural ethnic minorities in China, their economic status is average, as is their educational levels. Almost all Nong Zhuang children now attend some elementary school and the majority now attend school through at least ninth grade, as first through ninth grades are now free of study fees or book fees for students in the Nong area. A minority of Nong Zhuang children continue through high school and a smaller percentage attend university or technical college.
Cultural art forms include intricate brocade embroidery and long epic songs and large. They live in raised wooden houses, completely assembled without nails.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Their religion is Animistic, and it incorporates ancestor worship. Objects of worship include sacred trees, water buffalo, etc. Animal sacrifices and other offerings and ceremonies are conducted through a male shaman to try to bring prosperity and ward off evil spirits. Female mediums channel spirits during trances to tell fortunes and give advice.

What Are Their Needs?

According to Chinese government historical records, there was never a Christian effort focused on this ethnic group. The vast majority of Nong Zhuang people have never heard a clear presentation of the gospel in a language they understand adequately, and most have never had any exposure whatsoever.

Prayer Points

Pray for appropriate gospel materials to soon reach Nong Zhuang families.
Pray for loving and dedicated workers.
Pray for many from the Nong Zhuang community in China to have the spiritual hunger it takes to seek and find the only savior.
Pray for the Lord to bless their harvests this year in a way they will understand he is all powerful and loving.

Text Source:   Joshua Project