El Molo in Kenya

El Molo
Photo Source:  Jeff Nelson 
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People Name: El Molo
Country: Kenya
10/40 Window: No
Population: 1,200
World Population: 1,200
Primary Language: Samburu
Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions
Christian Adherents: 12.00 %
Evangelicals: 2.00 %
Scripture: New Testament
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Nilotic
Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

El Molo people in Kenya are nearly extinct today. They historically spoke the El Molo Samburu language, which is regarded as endangered.

The El Molo community is believed to have migrated from Ethiopia to the Turkana Basin around 1000 BC. Today they mostly live near Lake Turkana at El Molo Bay.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Fishing is the core of the El Molo's livelihood. They use rafts made of palm logs to sail on the lake, and they catch fish with spears, nets and harpoons. El Molo people also hunt hippopotami, crocodiles and turtles to use their skin for bags, bones for objects and for food. Unlike their neighbors, El Molo people are not pastoralists and rarely eat meat. They are known as the most skillful fishermen among the mostly semi-nomadic pastoral tribes around Lake Turkana.

El Molo men are known for making iron objects, fishing boats and woodwork. The women make beautiful baskets, pots and jewelry.

It is noteworthy that El Molo people are protected by the Kenyan government. Their decreasing population is possibly due to in-breeding, and a single diet of fish. El Molo is perhaps Africa`s smallest ethnic group.

What Are Their Beliefs?

There is both ethnic religion and Christianity among El Molo people in Kenya.

Ethnic religion influences El Molo people regarding their identity. Conversion essentially equates to cultural assimilation or even betrayal. Only Lord Jesus can deal with fear factors involved in considering his love for them, and his provision for their eternal life.

There are Bible portions and the JESUS Film in the Yakoma language. The New Testament, Bible portions, some audio resources and the JESUS Film are in the Samburu language, spoken by the people.

What Are Their Needs?

The most urgent need of El Molo people is to understand that Lord Jesus has fully paid the penalty for their sins so they can have eternal life with him.

Prayer Points

Pray for spiritual hunger and discernment that will draw El Molo people away from spiritual counterfeits.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to revive the El Molo church in Kenya, leading them to make disciples and church plants.

Pray that a day will come soon when El Molo people will send loving workers to the unreached people in their country.

Text Source:   Joshua Project