Affinity Bloc:  Malay Peoples What is an Affinity Bloc?



Number of People Clusters


People Groups (by Country)


Unreached People Groups

344 (33 %)

Map Notes
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People Cluster Population Peoples
by Country
by Country
% Groups
Popl in
% Popl in
% Christian
Est. Workers
Needed * 
Aceh of Sumatra 4,891,000 9 9 100.0 % 4,891,000 100.0 %    Islam 0.10 % 0.01 % 98
Bali-Sasak 9,067,000 7 7 100.0 % 9,067,000 100.0 %    Islam 0.61 % 0.09 % 181
Banjar of Kalimantan 5,742,000 10 6 60.0 % 4,944,000 86.1 %    Islam 2.85 % 0.69 % 99
Barito of Kalimantan 418,000 9 3 33.3 % 228,000 54.5 %    Ethnic Religions 9.69 % 2.76 % 5
Batak-Nias of Sumatra 11,609,000 16 4 25.0 % 1,358,000 11.7 %    Christianity 65.26 % 13.14 % 27
Borneo-Kalimantan 5,697,000 159 37 23.3 % 351,000 6.2 %    Ethnic Religions 48.67 % 9.41 % 7
Bugi-Makassar of Sulawesi 10,582,000 30 24 80.0 % 10,398,000 98.3 %    Islam 1.31 % 0.11 % 208
Bungku-Bajau 625,000 17 14 82.4 % 573,000 91.7 %    Islam 8.74 % 1.11 % 11
Filipino, Central 108,773,000 102 1 1.0 % 33,000 0.0 %    Christianity 96.07 % 12.18 % 1
Filipino, Muslim 5,957,000 22 22 100.0 % 5,957,000 100.0 %    Islam 0.14 % 0.07 % 119
Filipino, Tribal 8,970,000 139 9 6.5 % 189,000 2.1 %    Christianity 64.01 % 10.44 % 4
Flores-Sumba-Alor 3,026,000 56 6 10.7 % 16,000 0.5 %    Christianity 61.97 % 7.22 % 1
Gorontalo of Sulawesi 1,270,000 6 6 100.0 % 1,270,000 100.0 %    Islam 1.86 % 0.07 % 25
Java 118,857,000 22 10 45.5 % 75,316,000 63.4 %    Islam 8.54 % 3.85 % 1,506
Kaili-Tomini of Sulawesi 782,000 25 17 68.0 % 667,000 85.3 %    Islam 8.94 % 0.45 % 13
Lampung of Sumatra 1,773,000 9 9 100.0 % 1,773,000 100.0 %    Islam 0.10 % 0.02 % 35
Madura of Java 8,066,000 5 5 100.0 % 8,066,000 100.0 %    Islam 0.13 % 0.06 % 161
Malagasy 30,156,000 35 3 8.6 % 311,000 1.0 %    Ethnic Religions 49.83 % 6.20 % 6
Malay 34,955,000 91 50 54.9 % 22,855,000 65.4 %    Islam 7.68 % 3.72 % 457
Maluku-Central 900,000 46 10 21.7 % 246,000 27.3 %    Christianity 41.36 % 18.75 % 5
Maluku-Northern 522,000 25 7 28.0 % 232,000 44.4 %    Islam 23.97 % 3.21 % 5
Maluku-Southern 531,000 44 2 4.5 % 1,300 0.2 %    Christianity 67.68 % 5.94 % 1
Melayu of Sumatra 6,219,000 15 13 86.7 % 6,218,000 100.0 %    Islam 0.12 % 0.03 % 124
Minahasa-Sangir of Sulawesi 1,680,000 16 2 12.5 % 21,000 1.2 %    Christianity 76.63 % 13.40 % 1
Minangkabau-Rejang of Sumatra 7,877,000 8 8 100.0 % 7,877,000 100.0 %    Islam 0.30 % 0.03 % 158
Musi of Sumatra 5,253,000 8 8 100.0 % 5,253,000 100.0 %    Islam 0.11 % 0.01 % 105
Ogan of Sumatra 578,000 3 3 100.0 % 578,000 100.0 %    Islam 0.32 % 0.08 % 12
Pasemah of Sumatra 1,712,000 6 6 100.0 % 1,712,000 100.0 %    Islam 1.32 % 0.13 % 34
Sunda-Betawi of Java 48,065,000 4 4 100.0 % 48,065,000 100.0 %    Islam 0.67 % 0.07 % 961
Timor 2,959,000 39 2 5.1 % 30,000 1.0 %    Christianity 90.96 % 7.82 % 1
Toraja of Sulawesi 1,720,000 13 1 7.7 % 3,700 0.2 %    Christianity 64.20 % 9.11 % 1
Tukangbesi of Sulawesi 1,670,000 19 17 89.5 % 1,642,000 98.3 %    Islam 1.56 % 0.14 % 33
West Malaysia Indigenous 198,000 27 19 70.4 % 64,000 32.2 %    Ethnic Religions 4.83 % 2.28 % 1
Totals:  33 People Clusters 451,102,000 1,042 344 33.0 % 220,203,000 48.8 %    15       4,566
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