Unreached People Videos

Note: These videos are NOT produced by Joshua Project. Some statistics in these videos may be dated and/or disagree with Joshua Project data.
For more information, please contact the original sources by clicking the video title.

Understanding the Remaining Mission Task

English Downloads:  High Resolution (65 MB)   Standard (29 MB)   Script
Other Versions:   Animated    Arabic    Chinese    German    Portuguese    Spanish    Tagalog

The Unreached by Reality Santa Barbara

What is an Unreached People Group? (GFM)

What is a Frontier People Group? (GFM)

The Great Imbalance

State of the World-The Remaining Task (GFM)

Lost vs Unreached: What is Difference?

The Power of Multiplication (GFM)

Understanding the Red-Yellow-Green Zones (Radical)

Difficult Terms: Unreached People Groups

Reaching the Unreached

3 minute version      9 minute version

What is an Unreached People Group? (Pioneers)

Unreached Peoples-Zero Churches

Risk it All

The Need of the Nations

You Were Made for Global Missions


This is War

All are Equally Lost, not All Equally Needy

3D Gospel: Worldview and the Unreached

6 Ways to Reach God's World

I am a Missionary

Joshua Project Introduction

Don't Waste Your Life

Note: These videos are not produced by Joshua Project.
To download a video, please contact the original sources by clicking the video title.