Staff Opportunities:

Research Associate

Position Summary:

Assist Joshua Project’s research through efforts through proactive networking and researching for people group information updates, administrative tasks, coordinating research projects, updating statistical percentages based on growth rates, corresponding with global sources who have provided people group updates through email, updating the database, tracking census and ethnographic research updates throughout the world, following up on surveys among ministry leaders, and so forth.

Essential Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Assist the overall research efforts of Joshua Project which seeks to have global data integrity as well as current updating to match local realities.
  • Participate in team and project meetings as deemed necessary.
  • Report monthly to supervisor with work activity and progress toward goals.
  • Learn and grow in understanding of global missions and the ethnic groups of the world.
  • Work on tasks and roles in line with organizational priorities as communicated through Joshua Project’s Director of People Group Data.

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