It is important to know about the way of life and the culture of people groups. These details help us to understand the distinctions between one group and another. We want to see the gospel available among all groups.
These distinctions can form barriers to the gospel. But they can sometimes form the very bridge that allows the gospel to reach into a culture. When we know the details about a people group’s way of life and their historical and daily experience, we can pray more effectively and communicate the gospel more strategically.
We need people group profile writers to help tell the story of the people groups of the world. You will be joining an existing team who are filling in the gaps where people group descriptions are lacking and where information needs updating.
Skills needed:
People profile template: Short Long
A good starting place is the list of unreached people groups currently without profile text.
Ready to jump in? Your writing assignment awaits. Please contact us to start writing today.
Population: | 545,000 |
Language: | Kyrgyz |
Religion: | Islam |
Status: | Unreached ● |