The Maninka inhabit the tropical rain forests of Sierra Leone. They speak Eastern Maninka, one of many Maninka (or Manding) languages. Although some of these languages have no written script, their oral literature is regarded as some of the best in the world.
Eastern Maninka speakers can trace their roots back to the Mali Empire, which rose to power in the 1200s under the rule of the "lion king," Sundiata. After unifying the kingdom, Sundiata began conquering the surrounding peoples. The Maninka have been credited with many significant agricultural developments, primarily their discovery of the uses of millet.
There are three divisions within Maninka society: free-born, artisans and slaves. The free-born class formerly consisted of nobility. Today, it also includes merchants, farmers, and others. The artisans include leather craftsmen, blacksmiths, and singers, or griots.
The Eastern Maninkas live in large, walled-in villages. Within the villages, families live in separate, fenced-in compounds. Their homes are round, thatch-roof huts made of mud and sun-dried brick. Few of the homes have electricity or running water. The Eastern Maninkas primarily work as farmers, miners or merchants. They also raise cattle, but only to gain prestige within the community or to use in ceremonies. A typical Maninka meal consists of steamed rice covered with a spicy stew of vegetables and meat or fish. Mangoes, bananas, oranges, papayas and cashews add balance to their diet.
There is a clear social order among the Eastern Maninka people that ranges from nobility to commoners. While each village is ruled by its own chief, the oldest descendants of the first Maninka settlers are counted as nobility and also have a certain amount of authority. The lowest and most despised class consists of craftsmen and former slaves. Maninka society is patriarchal, or male-dominated. The line of descent is traced through the fathers, and inheritances are passed down through the males. Men commonly have more than one wife.
Some of the Eastern Maninkas prefer living in cities where they can develop a trade or work in a service occupation. While living in cities, they usually remain attached to their villages.
The Eastern Maninkas value such characteristics as honesty, logical thinking, and the ability to speak in public. They do not approve of dishonesty. Ironically, however, many Maninkas use manipulation and deceit as methods of getting ahead in society. For this reason, they are a very suspicious people. Men rarely have close personal relationships with each other because they expect even their closest friends to be cunning and deceitful.
The Eastern Mandinka people in Sierra Leone have adapted the doctrines of Islam to their own beliefs, resulting in a wide variety of sects. Islam was first introduced in West Africa by Muslim merchants. Since the Maninka peoples were not required by Islamic leaders to abandon their old customs and mystical beliefs, they mixed Islam with their traditional religions. Divination, healing and the casting of spells are all important parts of their religion. In fact, Maninka Islam approves and even encourages certain magical procedures-particularly those directed towards healing the sick, preventing misfortunes and ensuring prosperity.
Fear plays a big role in the spiritual lives of the Eastern Mandinka people. Someone will first pray in the village mosque and then sacrifice a chicken to the spirit of the land on which his village rests. Every villager has at least one or two charms.
With permission from Eastern Maninka elders, people can show the JESUS Film in their communities and use it as a way to help them see what Christ can do for them. Almost no Eastern Maninka people have taken the step to follow Christ, perhaps partly because they think doing this will alienate their families and friends.
Pray for workers who will try to win entire Maninka families to the savior, so they can worship him together.
Pray for the few Eastern Maninka believers to take disciple many others.
Pray for the effectiveness of the JESUS Film and gospel recordings among the Maninka.
Ask the Lord to bring about a church planting movement among the Eastern Maninka people throughout West Africa.
Scripture Prayers for the Maninka, Eastern in Sierra Leone.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |