Hundreds of years ago, the Wolof people conquered many tribes in the northwestern Senegal area. By the end of the 1300s, the Wolof had grown into a large empire of separate, self-governing states. By the 1500s, the empire had split into four major Wolof kingdoms.
The French expanded into Senegal during the 1800s, making it a colony of French West Africa. In 1946, the Wolof of Senegal were awarded French citizenship, and today, many Wolof have their homes in France, though a smaller number have migrated to Italy. European influences are a part of Wolof culture, especially those living in Europe.
Most Wolof people are probably not prepared to enter the workforce in the high-tech urban environment of Italy. Those with marketable skills do well.
The Wolof people usually follow Sufi traditions. The Sufis are a mystical sector of Islam that incorporates much more demonstrations of emotions than other Islamic traditions. They are sometimes admired and other times derided by other Muslims. In Africa there are many Sufi brotherhoods for the Wolof people. To some degree, these Sufi brotherhoods have followed them to Europe.
Very few Wolof people follow the Lord, be they in Africa or Europe. There is a great need for laborers who are sensitive to the Muslim cultures to work among the Wolof and to share Christ's love.
Pray for the Wolof people in Italy to have such spiritual hunger that they will seek, find and embrace the only savior no matter what the cost.
Pray for Wolof people in Italy to join home Bible studies and get discipled in Christ’s ways.
Pray for effectiveness of the JESUS Film, radio, and other evangelistic tools among the Wolof people.
Pray that the Wolof people living in Italy would come to know God and return to Africa as Christ bearers.
Ask the Lord to raise up churches that will plant more churches among Wolof communities in Italy.
Scripture Prayers for the Wolof in Italy.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |